Thursday, December 2, 2010

You Capture - Kindred

Kindred - A group of related persons, as a clan or tribe
A person's relatives; kinfolk

This week's You Capture subject over at I Should be Folding Laundry is "kindred". As soon as I heard the subject, I knew I wanted to capture the twins that live next door and their special bond that they share. I've photographed them before, and this time I went along with the family to a Christmas tree farm to capture some shots for their Christmas cards. We always put up an artificial tree so this was a special treat for me and I appreciate them making me part of the clan for the afternoon.

 The clan looking for the perfect Christmas tree.
 The twins found the perfect tree and posed for me - can't you see the bond between them?
 And a hug to show it too...
 A little hot chocolate to warm us up.
 Working on a wood building project.

One last picture on the sleigh. Aren't they adorable?

The sun was a little harsh and I'm still getting acquainted with my new camera but I got a few pictures. I may "borrow" the twins for a bit this weekend - I'm determined to get a better shot with both of them looking at the camera and smiling at the same time! Any pointers? I am better at candid than posed shots.


  1. They are so darn cute!!! What about the last one - I love it :D

    (Just brighten it up a bit in Photoshop - hee :D )

  2. LOVE those little red cheeks! So sweet.

  3. Cute shots, I like the hug one the best.

  4. Great shots! I agree with you... it is so much easier to get candid photos than posed shots. have fun practicing!

  5. Aww, so cute! I love your header shots too!

  6. Gorgeous photos! They're memories in the making, just lovely!

  7. This looks like so much fun. And such cute twins!

  8. Fabulous pictures! I am a second grade teacher and have half of four sets of twins in my class. It always surprises me how much they love to be together- they choose each other every time. It so sweet.

    I got my mirrors at Kirklands about 3 years ago. They were a strange color, so I threw a coat of brown paint on them. They have some similar things there now too!

  9. These are some sweet sweet pictures!


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