Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Light 'Em Up

Thanksgiving break will be here in a few short days and now that I have my photography class under my belt, it's time to get some much needed projects done around the house. First on my very long list is to get outdoor lighting installed on the garage so that our house is better lit and will provide the lighting we need to shovel our driveway in the winter. I know, I hate to admit that winter is on it's way and unfortunately in Chicago we get a lot of white fluffy snow. In addition to installing more lighting, we are also going to have an outdoor outlet on the front of the house installed so it'll make it so much easier to put up holiday lights. Gosh, we'll have to do that over the Thanksgiving break too. In the meantime I would love your advice on the following lighting options that I am pondering. Please let me know which of the following options you like. Thanks in advance for your advice!

Light 1
Light 2

 Light 3
 Light 4
 Light 5
 Light 6
 Light 7
 Light 8
 Light 9


  1. Number 7 for sure. I think it's toally in line with your decorating style which is AWESOME. You inspire me to go home and do something creative on my family room walls!

  2. I like all the square ones but I think number one will give you the best light because of the clear glass.... but if you use those spiral florescent lights it may be better to have the opaque glass. They are not the most decorative. But there are a lot to choose from.

  3. I can't remember exactly what the outside of your house looks like, but I think #1 or #9. I agree with Michelle on the opaque glass over clear glass. Can't wait to see before and after pictures!


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