Monday, August 16, 2010

Laundry Room Demo - Day 1

Today was the first day of my "stay-cation" and I was actually excited to get up bright and early to see my laundry area become the hardest working room in the house. It started with clearing out the room and beginning to demo the area. The guys did a great job keeping it clean and Tanner did surprisingly well considering that there were strangers in his house pounding, banging, and creating a lot of noise.

Next they needed to move the plumbing by the furnace to the back of the closet so we can gain our much needed 6 inches of space so that we can go from apartment sized appliances to full-size.

And after the plumber worked his magic, the pipes are now in the right place and we have gas piping since we are converting from an electric to gas dryer. The gas dryer was a bit more expensive but we are going to see the savings come back to us through our monthly bills.

All of that extra space...maybe I can even hang our ironing board in there since we have so much space now?! A full day of work and with day 2 around the corner, we will soon have the drywall up, painted walls, flooring, can lights, and a cabinet for storage. Stay tuned as we continue on our journey to full-size appliance land!


  1. It is looking great so far!!!! I am sure you will be so excited when it is all done. :D

  2. Yay! The beginning of a beautiful laundry room!


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