Sunday, May 17, 2009

Road Trip to Council Bluffs

1 Fun Road Trip

2 hotels

3 days/3 states

4 children = 3 nephews + 1 niece

5 gas fill-ups

6 meals

7 family members made the drive

8 magazines read in the car

'09 Abraham Lincoln High School Graduation


  1. I had no idea you guys were going to CB! My mom and her entire family are from there and I've spent many a summer there! Several of my cousins graduated from AL and Kirn. All are long gone by now, but what a small world!

  2. Ahhh, good ol' CB. Are you from Iowa or Illinois (or neither)? I'm from Iowa originally (Des Moines) and went to the U. of Iowa.

    Small world. =]


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